
Get a Prime Treasury Walk-through

We're excited to demonstrate how our platform's robust features,and user-friendly interface can streamline your global payments operations.

What's in store for you?

  • A concise discussion to evaluate how Prime Treasury can enhance your global payments operations.

  • A live product demonstration offering insights on maximizing Prime Treasury's benefits.

  • Exploration of your global payments objectives to highlight the optimal course for your business.

  • No obligation necessary.


We understand the brokerage setup and made it more user-friendly

We arrange your multi-assets for “faster workflow”

Platform Features

  • Domestic and International Payments

    Our solution aggregates banking solutions in various regions to give you the best rate.

  • Multi-Currency Corporate Accounts

    Easily manage your foreign currency with Prime Treasury’s e-wallet.

  • Bulk Up, Do More at Once!

    Make payments easier with our new downloadable templates and bulk payment module.

  • Manage Multiple Entities with One Login

    Prime Treasury allows you to switch between multiple entities through a centralized hub.
